Valuable mentoring relationships that support all stages of

Medical Training and Professional Development.

What is DR JuMP?

DR JuMP is a coordinated medical mentoring program designed to support Medical Students, Junior Doctors and Registrars in regional Victoria and Southern New South Wales.

The program provides a platform for regional medical professionals to connect and grow by facilitating relationships whilst also providing mentoring support, education, event and networking opportunities.

Who is DR JuMP for?

  • We know the right mentor can be life-changing. Many doctors attribute a lot of their success to having a great mentor in their corner as they trained; inspiring career choices, helping build life-long professional networks as well as being a terrific sounding board.

    • Access an independent voice, outside your direct sphere of influence.

    • Grow your people skills and leadership capability

    • Gain practical advice, support and encouragement

    • Develop life-long social, professional and academic networks

    • Explore opportunities to progress your career or upskill

    • Use Dr Jump in your recruitment and succession planning toolbox

    • Enhance your leadership and mentoring skills

    • Refresh your teaching skills

    • Boost your social, professional and academic networks

    • We recommend a one hour per month time commitment


The Mentoring Journey

“I was excited to meet a mentor in the field I was aspiring to go into. Not just someone who would teach me theoretical content, but someone with practical knowledge of how to get to where I wanted to be..”

— Eeleen Tey, 2nd Year Medical Student

“I was struggling to find someone to talk to about the realities and day to day life rural doctors experienced and really wanted to find out more - Dr JuMP has absolutely been pivotal in working towards this goal and has exceeded my expectations!”

— Emma Sutton, 4th Year Medical Student

Supporting all stages of the medical journey.